Healthcare News
Physical Therapy For A Pectoralis Major Tear
A torn or ruptured pectoralis muscle can limit your ability to engage in normal work and recreational activities. It can limit arm use, and may cause significant pain. If you have ruptured or torn your pectoralis major muscle in your chest, you may benefit from physical therapy (PT) to help you recover.
Does Medicare Cover Hip Replacement?
Medicare typically covers hip replacement surgery, providing a doctor confirms the procedure is medically necessary.
Return to sporting activity after ulnar nerve transposition for isolated neuritis in competitive overhead athletes
Although ulnar neuritis can occur secondary to ulnar collateral ligament pathology, stress fractures, and traction apophysitis, isolated ulnar nerve dysfunction can lead to medial elbow pain. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the short-term outcomes of overhead athletes undergoing anterior ulnar nerve transposition for ulnar neuropathy.
Rehabilitation exercises for a sprained ankle
While sprained ankles need time to heal, it is also important to strengthen the muscles around the ankle to help it recover and prevent further sprains.
Dextrose injections aid knee osteoarthritis pain
Intra-articular dextrose prolotherapy (DPT) injections are a safe and effective treatment for knee osteoarthritis, according to a study published in the May/June issue of the Annals of Family Medicine.