Healthcare News
What to know about kneecap dislocation
A kneecap becomes dislocated when the patella bone, which sits at the front of the knee, comes out of position. In the process, the connective tissues that hold the bone in place may stretch and tear.
Transient Osteoporosis of the Hip Overview
Transient osteoporosis of the hip is a condition that occurs for unknown reasons. The condition is characterized by a spontaneous onset of hip pain associated with x-ray signs of osteoporosis and MRI evidence of bone inflammation.
Researchers find face masks don't hinder breathing during exercise
A new University of Saskatchewan (USask) study has found that exercise performance and blood and muscle oxygen levels are not affected for healthy individuals wearing a face mask during strenuous workouts.
Warfarin use significantly increases risk of knee and hip replacement in people with OA
New research presented at ACR Convergence, the American College of Rheumatology's annual meeting, shows that use of warfarin, a vitamin K drug widely prescribed to prevent blood clots, is associated with a significantly greater risk of knee and hip replacements in patients with osteoarthritis
Lipedema, Fat Ankles, or ‘Cankles’: No Matter What You Call Them, Here’s What You Need to Know
It lifts a ballet dancer into relevé, absorbs the shock of a runner’s foot striking pavement, and allows a gymnast to stick that landing. Ankles ensure you take every sure-footed step. But what happens when it’s swollen or just bigger than you think it should be?