Healthcare News
Shoulder Replacement Surgery: What It Is, Types, Benefits, Risks, Prep & Recovery
In its most basic form, a shoulder replacement involves replacing the worn-down arthritic joint with metal and plastic (polyethylene). The surgical term is referred to as arthroplasty, which is synonymous with joint replacement. The joint needs to be replaced when the arthritis builds in the shoulder, which may be experienced by the patient as pain, loss of function, weakness or limited range of motion.
Subacromial Balloon Spacer for Massive Irreparable Rotator Cuff Tear is Cost-Effective in Older, Low-Demand Patients With Massive Irreparable Rotator Cuff Tear and Severe Comorbidities
The InSpace subacromial balloon spacer (Stryker, USA) is indicated for the treatment of massive irreparable rotator cuff tears. The device is placed in the subacromial space with the aim of restoring shoulder function by limiting painful acromiohumeral contact and recentering the superiorly migrated humeral head. However, controversy exists because two randomized controlled trials have produced conflicting findings with regards to efficacy.
Bottom-of-Foot Pain: Why It Hurts and How to Treat It
When the bottom of your foot hurts when you walk, it can be caused by many things, from ill-fitting shoes to activities like long-distance running or walking. For jobs that require long hours on your feet, bottom-of-the-foot pain is an occupational hazard.
Research supports run–walk interval training as a way to reduce chronic low back pain
A study conducted at Monash University, Australia, has demonstrated that a progressive run–walk interval training program, delivered digitally and supported remotely, is not only effective in reducing pain and disability in adults with chronic low back pain (LBP) but is also safe and acceptable for participants.
Revolutionizing cartilage repair: The role of macrophages and hyaluronic acid in healing injuries
Injuries of the knee resulting in damage to cartilage affect approximately 900,000 Americans annually, resulting in more than 200,000 surgical procedures. These injuries are frequently associated with pain, diminished joint functionality, and reduced quality of life.