Healthcare News
The More You Cycle, the Lower Your Risk of Knee Arthritis
Cycling has always been touted as easy on the knees. But actually preventing arthritis? That’s a new one.
Ankle replacement surgery: What to expect
Ankle replacement surgery involves removing damaged parts of the ankle joint and replacing them with an artificial joint. It is an option when noninvasive treatments, such as physical therapy, have been ineffective for arthritis.
What to know about disability for back pain
Some individuals with back pain may be eligible for a range of disability benefits. The eligibility requirements for these benefits may vary by state and depend on the cause of a person’s back pain.
Frozen shoulder research may hold the key to understanding fibrosis resolution
Frozen shoulder is a painful and disabling condition affecting the ligaments that form the shoulder joint capsule. Patients experience severe stiffening of their affected shoulder which can last for several years, interfering with activities of daily life.
Mapping blood vessel network of the meniscus with high precision
Knee operations on the meniscus cartilage are a frequent procedure on a particularly complex part of the human body. Empa researchers want to provide an improved basis for clinicians in order to reduce the risks of the operation. Using 3D models based on micro-computed tomography analyses in the laboratory, they are mapping the blood vessel network of the meniscus on a nanometer scale.